Blenuten Blenuten


Your growth companion


Blenuten is a complete and balanced food supplement that helps children with proper physical and cognitive development. Its composition is especially adapted to the requirements for children aged 1 year and older. Due to its high nutritional value and delicious taste, Blenuten is an excellent choice for school-aged children.
Blenuten is high in calcium, iron, zinc and 13 vitamins.

  • A glass of Blenuten contains 270 kcal, roughly 13% of the recommended daily intake, with a macronutrient calorie distribution value within the recommended range for balanced nutrition.
  • Calcium and vitamin D are essential for growth and the normal development of bones and teeth in children.
  • The iron content improves cognitive development in children and helps reduce fatigue, which in turn helps to maintain a proper haemoglobin level.
  • Its content of B-vitamins, such as thiamine (B1) and pyridoxine (B6), helps to facilitate carbohydrate metabolism and energy intake.
  • It’s a good source of antioxidants (like vitamin E, vitamin C, and selenium), which are known to help the functioning of the immune system.


Blenuten dapat digunakan untuk melengkapi makanan biasa atau sebagai makanan lengkap dalam keadaan di mana asupan harian tidak mencukupi:

  • Gagal tumbuh.
  • Susah makan, tidak ada nafsu makan atau gizi yang tidak seimbang.
  • Latihan fisik yang intens.
  • Intoleransi laktosa dan/atau alergi terhadap beberapa makanan.
  • Pada penyakit akut atau kronis, pemulihan penyakit dan/atau periode pemulihan.


Untuk menyiapkan 200 ml, tuangkan 160 ml air hangat ke dalam gelas, tambahkan 4 sendok makan (sekitar 56g) Blenuten dan kocok sampai benar-benar larut. Blenuten juga bisa ditambahkan pada makanan.

Untuk melengkapi gizi, disarankan untuk mengonsumsi 1 hingga 3 kali setiap hari. Blenuten cocok untuk sarapan, makanan tengah pagi atau sebagai kudapan.


Tersedia dalam kemasan 400gr dan 800gr.

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